First Tee Caddie Squad

The First Tee Caddie Squad is a collective of First Tee students that work as caddies at local clubs in the Baltimore area. Formerly known as the Baltimore Caddie Academy, established in 2015, the vision of the newly named, Caddie Squad is to help young people gain a better understanding of the game of golf, learn valuable life lessons, and help develop youth into leaders on and off the golf course.

Members of the Caddie Squad will participate in a series of training sessions led by First Tee staff and our partner clubs. These sessions allow us to ensure that each student learns the basics of caddying, how to use the ClubUp App and has had ample on-course training prior to caddying for members. Youth that join the Caddie Squad have access to college scholarships through the Evans Scholars Foundation and the Caves Valley Foundation. These scholarships are limited to young people with experience as a caddie and can be truly life changing. 

As the Caddie Squad continues to grow, we have seen older students take on a mentorship role as new caddies join. A full circle moment for us.

Interested in joining the Caddie Squad? Follow this link to register, and we’ll be in touch with next steps.  

Caddie Schedule 

Please Note: Students that join the Caddie Squad need to complete a series of required trainings. Please download the training schedule here. Additionally, we are offering a caddie class to our programming schedule to help provide additional support to youth that have registered for caddying. Below is an outline of the program schedule. To register for these classes, please follow this link

ClassDateCurriculum FocusLocation
Class 1MarchCourtesy and Respect TBD
Class 2AprilResponsibilityTBD
Class 3MayHonesty and IntegrityTBD
Class 4JuneUsing Good JudgementTBD
Class 5JulyBuilding a Positive Self-IdentityTBD
Class 6AugustGrowing through Challenges / PerseveranceTBD
Class 7SeptemberCollaborating with OthersTBD
Class 8OctoberPursuing GoalsTBD
Class 9NovemberYear-End CelebrationTBD

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?

 Current First Tee – Greater Baltimore students and youth from our partner organizations. Participants must be 12 years old and up.  

Is there training? Do the students need caddie experience?

No caddie experience is necessary. First Tee and our partners will provide Squad members with caddie instruction and training at local area clubs. 

When and where do the students caddie?

Caddie Squad members will have an opportunity to caddie from Spring through Fall at Baltimore Country Club, Green Spring Valley Hunt Club and Country Club of Maryland. 

What is the benefit?

Simply put, caddying is a great first job. Caddies will earn a wage, while having the opportunity to network with professionals in the Greater Baltimore community. Caddies learn the value of responsibility, will see an increase in self-confidence and will be able to employ many of the core values that we teach at First Tee. Additionally, caddies also gain access to scholarships that can help pay for their higher education.